The painting below was done from some reference I gathered when visiting with a friend on his boat at a marina in Sidney. It started life as a 24x18 with a fairly faithful representation of the boats in the background, a lot of rocks and water in the foreground and some geese in the middle bit. It didn't work. It was boring and it ended up in the reject cupboard. Recently, I hauled it out and tackled it again.
I'll post the new version first followed by the 'reject'.
I invite you to play 'spot the difference'.
I sorted through my reference files and found another group of boats with the same lighting and, without planning or drawing anything, I started on the right and worked across to the left. First I broke up that dull wall of green with some sky and a suggestion of buildings and added some rocks and beach and then the boats and reflections.
I decided that the large rock upon which the two geese are standing was too large and dull so I flattened it. And the row of sleeping geese which I had once thought made an interesting shape, had to go. I started replacing them with water and reflections and some more mud but stopped before eliminating all of them. I probably went to make a cup of tea. I'm glad I did because I think the two that I left are fine.
I then tried a number of approaches to the bottom third but nothing worked so I stuck a piece of masking tape across it at the 18" mark. Better. I took out most of the rocks and mud I had painted and went back to a larger area of water to lead into the painting. This time I kept it simpler allowing the top third to draw the eye.
Better still.
I think this one can stay out of the cupboard........