Saturday, 16 September 2017


          I have just learned that High Oaks Farm,18x18, was awarded 2nd place in the
    Boldbrush Competition in August.  Thank you to the judge, Tony Pro.High Oaks Farm is 
            available at the West End Gallery in Victoria:

I'm very excited to be invited to participate in the prestigious American Masters Show at the Salmagundi Club in New York City!  The exhibition opens mid October but can now be seen on their website:

I have two paintings in the show:   The first is All Tied Up, an oil on panel, 18x24.    As you will have figured out by now,  I love painting old rowboats and was especially attracted to the arrangement these made tied up to the old dock in Ganges on Salt Spring Island.

The second one is a small 12x12 oil that I painted from studies done at Oak Bay Marina near my studio early one morning. 

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